This academic mobility project aims to build upon the programmes so as to establish a multi-lateral exchange and cross-fertilisation of ideas and expertise among our teams and thereby to achieve a step change in the consortium's cumulative efficiency, productivity and predictive power, as a result of the added value generated through the collaboration.

Within the project, the main "purely magnonic" research directions generating new knowledge are:

(i) exploration of nonlinear effects in MCs,

(ii) tailoring and suppression of the effective energy losses in MCs,

(iii) development of theoretical models of the spin wave generation and scattering on the nanoscale,

(iv) investigation of effects of broken periodicity (including fractal structures) on the magnonic spectra.

In addition, MagIC take advantage of the yet unexplored opportunities arising from the coexistence within a single nanostructure of magnonic functionalities and those of photonics, plasmonics and phononics. Joining complementary expertises of the project participants, as well as exploiting other synergies, facilitate sharing of knowledge and new skills acquisition for the research team members and will help reaching the project goals.